

In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic of ‘The True Story of Dajjal’ in the light of Quran and Sunnah.


The Dajjaal Will Emerge at the End of Time So Why the Prophets Warned Their People about Him? - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which Sh. Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Utheimin answers the following question, "Why did the Prophets warn their people about the Dajjaal when he will not emerge until the end of time?"


Dajjal The False Messiah - (English)

The Prophet not only warned his Ummah against Dajjal; the false Messiah, but stated in detail his colour, height, width, eye-shape, inscriptions on his forehead, his seductions, his method of aberrance, how to escape from his temptations, his current location, and so on. All the details about Dajjal are here....


Antichrist Calamity - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Bilal Philips in which he explains the issue of the Antichrist calamity, the most dangerous one that occurs on earth from the creation of Prophet Adam until the Day of Judgement.


Antichrist - (English)

A lecture in English in which the lecturer shows the signs of the Antichrist and some points of his temptation.


Antichrist - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Salem Al-Umary in which he explains the trial of the Antichrist and how to protect ourselves from it.


The Establishment of Proof - (English)

A refutation against those who deny the appearance of Mahdi, the coming of Dajjaal, and the descent of the Messiah at the end of time.