
What is the Criteria for a True Prophet? - (English)

A look into the biblical verses which set the criteria for the truthfulness of the claim to Prophethood.


The Five Pillars of Islam - (English)

1- An introduction to the first pillar of Islam: the Muslim Profession of Faith, or the shahada, that no-one deserves worship except God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and the various meanings they contain 2- An introduction to the Second Pillar of Islam:,the Ritual Prayer, its spiritual dimensions,....


Grace, Faith and Works - (English)

:A four-part article talking about 1-The relationship between inner faith and good works in Islam. Part One: The Islamic concept of “faith” and its relation to inner belief and good works. 2-The relationship between inner faith and good works in Islam. Part Two: The role of speech and works in....


…And Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah - (English)

An examination of the finality of prophethood.


The Importance of Prayer - (English)

Prayer is a unique training and developmental program which, if well and devotedly performed, can achieve for a Muslim many valuable spiritual, physical, and ethical gains.


The Benefits of Converting to Islam - (English)

1- All your questions answered. 2-Why you should convert to Islam without delay. 3- Continuing our discussion about the benefits of conversion.


Mary in Islam - (English)

:A three-part article talking about 1- The first of a three-part article discussing the Islamic concept of Mary: Part 1: Her childhood. 2-The second of a three-part article discussing the Islamic concept of Mary: Part 2: Her annunciation. 3-The finale of a three-part article discussing the Islamic concept of Mary:....


Friday – The Best Day of the Week - (English)

The significance of Friday in the life of a believer.


Christianity at Glance and Refuting Its Belief - (English)

An article intends to provide a general view of Christianity and spots light on its doctrines like the trinity, the Bible, crucifixion, divinity, original sin, resurrection, and salvation. In addition, it presents tools that would help in refuting some of its corrupted beliefs.


The Signs in the Heavens and on the Earth - (English)

Everything, every detail from the atom, the smallest unit of matter, to the galaxies harboring billions of stars, from the moon, an inseparable adjunct of the world, to the solar system, all work in a perfect harmony, running flawlessly, just like a watch; these facts and others all prove the....


The Purpose of Creation - (English)

An introduction to the most puzzling question of human history, and a discussion about the sources which can be used to find the answer.


Prophets of the Quran - (English)

1-Belief in the prophets of God is a central part of Muslim faith. Part 1 will introduce all the prophets before Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, mentioned in the Muslim scripture from Adam to Abraham and his two sons. 2-Belief in the prophets....